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Life at Nature's Pace

We believe the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of the Bible, is the Creator of all things that were created.  We believe He uses certain processes or mechanisms by which He controls the events that take place on earth.  These processes are encompassed in the word, nature.  God's way is not man's ways.  Man's ways are linear.  Only God is good.  His way is cyclic.  The things He does are right and His goodness lasts forever.  He is at work making all things conform to His good and perfect will.  For those whom He has made His own, we have been given a new nature.  All things work out to God's purpose; for our good.  He is perfecting His own according to His nature, good pleasure and to His glory.

We support simple, natural processes and those who do likewise.  We strive for a simple life.  We seek to live at peace with God, man and at nature's pace as God's stewards of His creation.  

Nature's Pace TM is striving for a stewardship, simple way of life according to our new natures.

Nature's Pace Market Place TM   is a small farmer's market striving to earn an honest livelihood

Nature's Pace Neighborhood TM   is a not for profit organization attempting to help our neighbor as we are given light.

Privacy Statement:     none of your information placed here is sold, leased, rented or given out without your permission, except as may be required by law.                              

     Fax Nature's Pace at 1- 207-733-2429,   e-mail us at:  Img27.jpgor





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A POSM HA Inquiry at Nature's Pace